GAUK Auctions | Property, Cars, Vans, Computers, Plasma TVs, LCDs, iPods, iPads, Bankrupt Stock, Cameras, Antiques, Mobile Phones All at Auction…

Buy cheaply at auction for UP TO 80% BELOW RRP,
keep your bargain or sell on straight away for a quick, juicy profit!

Government Auctions UKWelcome, welcome, welcome to the Government Auctions UK Network of websites (now know as GAUK, pronounced ‘gawk’ and meaning simply ‘to find it cheaper’). GAUK originally featured only auction houses that deal in Government auctions (hence the name) but has grown to cover every auction in the UK.

You’ve found easily the largest, most comprehensive auction directory and auction event alert service of its kind in Britain … GUARANTEED.

The place to track down and be alerted to all the fantastic items being sold right now at prices that would often seem, well frankly absurd!

Incredible Auction Bargains They Don’t Want You to Find … What, Why, Where and When!

We all know that auctions are the best place to bag a great deal but with some 1500 auction houses spread from Land’s End to John O’Groats holding up to 8,000 auctions a month, keeping track can be a veritable pain in the butt!

Even in this age of technology, many auctioneers websites are not all that flash and the critical information you want can be very hard to find … we know because we visit them each month.

Well there’s good news for once!

Since 1999 the nice people at GAUK have spent thousands upon thousands of man-hours honing our service and developing the most comprehensive global auction directory and auction events calendar in the UK.

Did you know that there are literally hundreds of well organised, reputable auction houses selling absolutely anything you can imagine, all over Britain right now? … And you’ve probably never heard of most of them!

We’re talking: Cars, Property, Bankrupt Stock, Proceeds of Crime, Seized Items, Overstock, Liquidated Assets … Anything from Antiques to Battleships … Diggers to iPods … Mobile phones to Turkeys at Christmas …anything you can imagine is being sold right now as you’re reading this.

As Britain is slowly released from the grip of a deep and awful recession there’s good news. There’s more and more items going to auction and you can cash in!

Thousands upon thousands of auction lots flow through the country’s auction houses on a daily basis and come from many different sources … and Government Auctions UK list probably every event!

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